NEW! Free Agenda Templates Library

Topicflow's team of in-house meeting experts has curated these free meeting templates, ready for you to use in your next 1-on-1s or team meeting. We've built these templates right into our app, so you can get started with just a click or two — it's free!

The agenda is the backbone of any good meeting. It ensures that everyone knows what is going to be discussed and in what order. It also allows the meeting to flow smoothly, without any awkward pauses or sidetracking.

A well-crafted agenda should be specific, concise, and easy to follow. It should be distributed to all attendees in advance so that everyone has a chance to prepare for the discussion.

There are a few different ways to format an agenda. The most important thing is to choose a format that works for you and your team. Here are a few different options:

1. List Format

This is the most basic format for an agenda. It is simply a list of all the topics that will be discussed during the meeting in the order they will be discussed. This format is best for shorter meetings or meetings where there is only one primary topic of discussion.

2. Bullet Point Format

This format is similar to the list format but with more detail. For each topic on the agenda, you will include a few bullet points outlining what will be discussed. This format is best for meetings where there are multiple topics of discussion or where the discussion points are complex.

3. Sentence Format

This format is best for concise meetings or for meetings where the discussion points are straightforward. For each topic on the agenda, you will write a short sentence or two outlining what will be discussed. This format is also good for meetings where there is only one primary topic of discussion.

4. Paragraph Format

This format is similar to the sentence format but with more detail. For each topic on the agenda, you will write a paragraph or two outlining what will be discussed. This format is best for meetings where there are multiple topics of discussion or where the discussion points are complex.

5. Graphic Format

This format is best for meetings where the discussion will be heavily focused on visuals. For each topic on the agenda, you will include a relevant graphic, such as a chart, diagram, or photo. This format is also suitable for meetings where there is only one primary topic of discussion.

The most important thing to remember when creating an agenda is to keep it simple. An agenda should be easy to understand and follow. It should not be overly long or complex.

If you are using a template to create your agenda, be sure to customize it to fit your specific needs. And always remember to send the agenda to all attendees in advance of the meeting.

If you’re looking for pre-built agendas, we have created a library of options and categorized them based on different use cases here.

All of these templates can be instantly activated in our app, which you can start using today for free.