Collaborate with partners during external meetings

Share notes and agendas just as easily as any internal meeting (which we're also great at, by the way)

Calendar Integration

Automatically organized meeting notes

Connect your calendar(s) to Topicflow to have your meeting notes and Action Items sync with your schedule. Meeting agendas and notes can then be made available to internal and external guests through your calendar invitations.
Collaborative meeting agendas and notes

Remove ambiguity from conversations

Topicflow allows groups to organize each individual's responsibilities and contributions towards a meeting. Coordinate efforts before and during meetings to create clarity and understanding about commitments and next steps.
Meeting summary emails

Keep everyone on the same page

Automatically send a summary of the meeting, including decisions and action items, even if somebody couldn't attend the meeting.
Performance Management, reimagined with AI.
Sign up for free today to wow your clients each time you meet.

Great for all kinds of meetings.